Our Services


Apple Ecosystem

We're at the forefront of Apple ecosystem localization, covering macOS, iOS, watchOS, and soon visionOS. Leveraging the latest in Swift and SwiftUI, we ensure your products perfectly resonate with global users, strictly adhering to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. Plus, our App Store Optimization strategies boost your app's visibility and performance worldwide.

Android Localization

Beyond adapting XML resource files and using Android Studio, we optimize Google Play descriptions and meta tags for enhanced discoverability. This holistic approach ensures seamless device integration, enhances user experiences, and broadens your market reach, making your apps not just accessible but prominent on a global scale.

Documentation & Marketing

From user manuals and HTML help to technical documentation, our translation services extend to marketing materials and packaging with a meticulous approach to maximize global sales. Leveraging the latest in AI, including MTPE and customized model training based on specific glossaries and corpora, we ensure high-quality, contextually accurate translations that resonate with your target audience.

Emerging Technologies

Our localization expertise spans diverse verticals—from productivity software and business applications to security, digital photography, and interactive gaming. We also excel in sectors like audio/video, supply chain & procurement, and the automotive industry. Our specialization shines in pioneering fields, offering unmatched proficiency in localizing for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain technologies.

Projects completed
Regular clients
Words translated
Language pairs

Our Key Benefits

Our streamlined localization process
  • Maximize efficiency with our meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment.
  • Comprehensive services from translation to on-device testing and engineering to meet all your localization needs.
  • Trust in the expertise of our senior native specialists for culturally accurate translations.
  • Rely on us for continuous support through updates and marketing initiatives.
  • Leverage our advanced localization tools to stay at the cutting edge of global communication.

Who We Are

LocalVersion was founded in 2003 and is managed by Toni Rovira and Eduard Simón, who had worked together since the mid-90's localizing multilingual projects for Apple. Our core team includes more than 50 localization professionals who work with us regularly, plus a pool of 150 native experts in 45 countries who collaborate on a project basis. All of them are top specialists who have translated thousands of projects for quality-oriented developers of all sizes, including some of the world's most admired companies.

Our Leadership

Toni Rovira

Toni Rovira

"One of the things I like most about my job is the ability to help leading companies bring their cutting-edge technologies and innovative developments to as many people as possible, all over the world and in their own language. Every day, I am in touch with clients who break new ground and create amazing products, and also with some of the very best localization professionals in America, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, China... Localization can be a nightmare if you underestimate the linguistic, technical and organizational challenges that it involves, but when you work with the right people everything becomes easy and exciting."

Toni has a Bachelor of Translation degree (1987-1991), has pursued post-graduate studies, and has vast professional experience in the areas of localization services, business management, and organizational development. He worked as a lead translator, localization engineer, and project manager between 1991 and 1997, when he became responsible for managing the localization of Apple products in 6 major languages. He recruited and coordinated more than 60 professionals, and was in charge of defining and developing localization and QA processes together with clients and vendors on different continents. In 2003, he co-founded LocalVersion, a tight-knit team of top specialists offering full localization services for software companies that need a high-performance translation vendor they can consistently rely on.

Interests: Language, technology, management, Quality Assurance, Apple, Google, humor, sport, music that makes you feel, reading stuff written by intelligent people, seeing my kids growing and laughing...

Eduard Simón

Eduard Simón

“I grew up in a family of computer geeks, so choosing to study the Arts almost caused a family crisis. When I later learned that there was a way to combine Science & Arts in a job, I didn’t hesitate for a second. I devoted body and soul to this career path, and ploughed into the localization industry. I get the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art technology, meet really talented people from across the globe, and contribute in my own little way to making the world a smaller place - these are the key reasons why I love the work I do every day.”

Bachelor in Translation degree from the UPF of Barcelona, where he specialized in computational linguistics and developed an automatic translation formalism. Distinguished visiting professor at the UAB, he has had a rapidly progressing professional career working in succession as a technical translator, localization engineer, tester, project manager, and director. He has attended several post-graduate technical courses and has extensive knowledge of countless localization tools and workflows (RWS Trados Studio, RC-WinTrans, Alchemy Catalyst, RWS Passolo, Crowdin, Robohelp, memoQ, Phrase, ApSIC Xbench, and many others). In 2000, Eduard founded an IT service company, which provides ecommerce, networking, and programming solutions. In 2003, he co-founded LocalVersion, a localization company offering technical translation services for the PC, Mac, and mobile platforms.

Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, robotics, international markets, languages, localization, worldwide traveling, Sci-Fi TV shows, scuba diving, sailing, trekking, skiing, gastronomy...


Brian Hall, Mark/Space (CA, USA)

Be it Mac, PC or mobile, the ability of this software localization company to manage and deliver multiple projects simultaneously, on schedule and within budget, has kept us coming back time after time.

Sam Dean, Griffin Technology (TN, USA)

LocalVersion has been a valued partner in our day to day operations. Very responsive to deadlines and always willing to discuss trends to insure that our technical translations are getting the correct feel that we look for.

Katie McCormick Imation - XtremeMac (FL, USA)

I have worked with quite a few software localization companies, but none of them can measure up to LocalVersion's professionalism and great service.

A. Kerstens, Metris NV (Belgium)

LocalVersion is our localization company for more than five years already. We can rely on their high quality standards, compliance to deadlines and competitive price setting.

Ana Aguilar, PR Consultancy (Paris)

Agile, accurate, rigorous, kind. They've made my work easier many times and have always respected our deadlines providing high quality translations.


Ten reasons why working with LocalVersion is better for you than using a web-based translation management system (TMS)

  1. Seamless Process: With LocalVersion, there's no learning curve or tedious steps. Just send us your files, specify your target languages, and receive a prompt, accurate quote tailored to your project's needs. Our streamlined process ensures hassle-free localization, leaving you free to focus on your core tasks.

  2. Expertise Over Tools: While translation management systems (TMS) have their place, your role isn't to navigate through them if you don't want to. At LocalVersion, we leverage cutting-edge tools internally while sparing you the complexity. Our team's deep understanding of developer and linguistic requirements ensures efficient workflows, without burdening you with unnecessary tasks.

  3. Respect for Linguists: We value our linguists and understand the drawbacks of TMS for them. By minimizing administrative burdens and preserving their preferred workflows, we attract and retain top talent, ensuring the highest quality translations for your projects.

  4. Enhanced Security: Unlike cloud-based systems that pose risks to your data, LocalVersion prioritizes the confidentiality of your files. By avoiding the need to upload sensitive information to third-party platforms, we maintain the integrity of your data and protect your privacy.

  5. Personalized Support: Automation is efficient, but nothing beats human touch. With LocalVersion, you'll have a dedicated, senior account manager with over 15 years of experience in localization. From addressing your queries to adapting to your evolving needs, our team is committed to delivering unparalleled support.

  6. Quality Over Quantity: While TMS boast vast networks of translators, quantity doesn't equate to quality. At LocalVersion, we focus on assembling a team of seasoned experts dedicated to your project's success. By prioritizing quality over volume, we ensure flawless localization that resonates with your audience.

  7. Cost-Effective Solutions: Don't pay for unnecessary features or subscriptions. LocalVersion offers transparent pricing, allowing you to pay only for the localization services you need. Our expert project managers leverage advanced tools and insights to optimize costs without compromising on quality.

  8. Tailored Optimization: Our experienced project managers go beyond automated quotes to identify cost-saving opportunities. By leveraging translation memory, eliminating redundant text, and addressing segmentation issues, we optimize your project's budget while maintaining quality standards.

  9. Freedom and Transparency: Unlike TMS that create dependencies, LocalVersion empowers you with control and transparency. We adapt to your processes and provide full visibility into project changes, ensuring a seamless collaboration that aligns with your objectives.

  10. Flexibility and Partnership: Your preferences matter to us. If you have specific TMS preferences, we'll gladly accommodate them while still delivering the superior service you expect from LocalVersion, as we already do for many of our clients. Our goal is to be your reliable, adaptable partner, committed to your global success.

Why Invest in Professional Localization Services Instead of Relying on Machine Translation?

Machine Translation (MT) has made significant strides in recent years within the fields of computational linguistics and AI. However, despite advancements, translating between morphologically-rich languages remains a complex challenge.

Unlike human translators who can grasp nuances and contextual influences, MT engines operate without this discernment, resulting in translations that often lack accuracy and appropriateness. Human language is rich in ambiguities, idiomatic expressions, and contextual intricacies that machines struggle to navigate. While MT can swiftly generate translations, the quality varies widely. It may produce a helpful rendition, but more often than not, the output lacks contextual relevance or mirrors the source text verbatim. In some cases, translations can convey the opposite meaning, highlighting the limitations of automation.

Despite these drawbacks, MT can serve a purpose in certain contexts where immediate but imprecise translations suffice, especially for internal communications or personal use. However, for commercial products or marketing materials, precision and professionalism are paramount.

When employed strategically, Machine Translation, coupled with expertly curated translation memories and meticulous human post-editing, can significantly enhance productivity. Our tailored MT models, designed for specific domains or projects, further elevate accuracy. At LocalVersion, we are committed to staying updated on the latest technological advancements, to ensure that we assist you in achieving your objectives with maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

What exactly is localization, and why does it matter?

Localization is more than just translating words; it's about tailoring your product or service to resonate with specific cultures and regions, creating an authentic and seamless experience for users worldwide. In today's interconnected world, localization is essential for businesses aiming to expand their global reach and connect with diverse audiences.

At its core, localization involves adapting your product or service to suit the unique preferences and expectations of different locales. This encompasses everything from language translation to user interface design, date and time formats, measurement units, and even currency symbols. By addressing these intricacies, businesses can ensure that their offerings feel tailor-made for each target market.

But localization is more than just a box to check off on your international expansion checklist—it's a strategic investment with tangible benefits. A well-executed localization strategy can enhance user satisfaction, drive engagement, and ultimately, boost sales. After all, customers are more likely to embrace products that speak their language—both literally and figuratively.

However, achieving seamless localization requires expertise and collaboration across various disciplines. Linguists, localization engineers, testers, graphic designers, internationalization specialists, and project managers all play crucial roles in the process. By entrusting localization to a specialized team, businesses can streamline workflows, minimize errors, and maintain project integrity.

Moreover, outsourcing localization to experts isn't just about mitigating risks—it's about maximizing opportunities. By partnering with a seasoned localization provider, businesses can navigate the complexities of global expansion with confidence, ensuring that their brand remains synonymous with quality and reliability in every market they enter.

In today's competitive landscape, the stakes of localization have never been higher. Delays and inaccuracies can not only impact the bottom line but also tarnish a company's reputation in the eyes of consumers. By prioritizing localization as a strategic imperative, businesses can unlock the full potential of global markets and pave the way for sustainable growth and success.

Why pay a localization company when I can do it internally?

Wondering why you should opt for professional localization services instead of managing it in-house? Let's dive in:

  • Top-notch Talent at Your Fingertips: Reliable, specialized translators and localizers are hard to find, expensive, and often busy. More than 90% of those who claim to be translators would not pass the selection process of a reputable agency. Even excellent translators can miss deadlines or perform inconsistently if their work isn't thoroughly proofread. A dedicated team provides capacity, services, and ensures quality consistency and coordination, often at a lower cost.
  • Looking Beyond the Bottom Line: When weighing localization costs, it's easy to get fixated on external rates. But true cost evaluation involves considering both external and internal factors—like the time and resources spent on selecting, training, and managing professionals, not to mention investing in tools and equipment. Ultimately, what matters most is the return on investment. And let's not forget the crucial role time-to-market plays in the business landscape.
  • It Takes a Village: Software and web localization aren't solo endeavors; they require an orchestra of different professional profiles—linguists, engineers, testers, designers, internationalization experts, project managers, you name it. Entrusting this multidimensional task to a specialized team ensures that project goals—be it budget adherence, timely delivery, or customer satisfaction—aren't left by the wayside.
  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: Translation and localization are dynamic fields, constantly evolving with new tools and practices. Professional guidance can be a game-changer, helping you stay ahead of the curve with automation, workflow optimization, and tailored solutions. In an industry where time is money, expert advice can save you both.

What is the standard localization process and why is translating not enough?

Effective localization is a meticulous process that goes beyond translation. Here's a detailed look at the standard localization process:

  1. Analysis and Evaluation: We begin by analyzing your project's requirements, including technical, and linguistic considerations. This evaluation guides our selection of resources and tools.
  2. Terminology Management: We create and maintain precise glossaries to ensure consistency and accuracy throughout the localization process. These glossaries cover cultural, technical, and industry-specific terms.
  3. Text Translation and Review: Our team of expert linguists translates your content, ensuring accuracy and cultural relevance. Each translation undergoes rigorous review by a second expert for quality assurance.
  4. User Interface Resizing: If necessary, we resize and adapt user interfaces to accommodate language variations and cultural preferences. This involves optimizing layouts, fonts, and graphics for optimal readability and usability.
  5. Localization of Visual Assets: Graphics, movies, scripts, and other media containing visible text are localized to align with local sensibilities.
  6. Documentation Layout: We meticulously format documentation to ensure clarity and accessibility across languages. This includes adjusting layouts and formatting for consistency.
  7. Quality Assurance: Our team conducts linguistic and functional quality assurance testing to verify the integrity of the localized product. This includes testing for linguistic accuracy, functionality, and usability.
  8. Project Delivery: Upon successful completion of testing, we deliver the finalized, localized product or website to you. Our goal is to ensure timely and successful project delivery, meeting your expectations and requirements.

Collaborative Approach: Depending on the size and complexity of your project, we coordinate the efforts of multiple professionals, including project managers, translators, proofreaders, engineers, desktop publishers, and testers. This collaborative approach ensures efficient and effective localization results.

Why choose LocalVersion over larger companies?

  • Specialized in your industry, we deliver flawless results, exceptional service, and significantly lower costs. Our small, agile team means no hefty fees for cumbersome structures, management overheads, or unnecessary services. With us, you get tailored solutions without the unnecessary fluff. Try us out and prepare to be amazed.
  • Working with a small niche company like us means you receive personalized attention and dedicated support. You're not just a number on a client list; your project matters deeply to us, and we're committed to your success. Our streamlined communication channels ensure quick responses and efficient problem-solving, saving you time and hassle.
  • Flexibility is our forte. Unlike larger companies bound by rigid processes and protocols, we adapt to your unique needs and preferences. Need a last-minute change or an urgent project? Consider it done. Our nimble team thrives on challenges and is always ready to accommodate your requirements, ensuring seamless collaboration every step of the way.
  • Even if you discover us through a satisfied client, we understand the apprehension of partnering with a new localization firm. That's why we go the extra mile to ensure your comfort and confidence from the get-go. Just tell us what you need, and we'll help you ensure a smooth and successful project from A to Z.

By following a few recommendations, website designers and software developers can ensure that their products are ready to be adapted to international markets, thus guaranteeing a smooth, painless, and cost-effective localization process.

Here are some examples:

  • All user interface elements should be separated from the source code.
  • User interfaces and layouts must be flexible enough to accommodate text expansion. Text may expand by as much as 100% when translated into German, for example. It's also good practice to allocate text buffers dynamically whenever possible.
  • If the same string is used in different contexts, consider making multiple copies of it to allow for different translations.
  • Word order varies between languages, so it's better not to generate text messages dynamically at runtime using, for instance, multiple insertion parameters or concatenated strings. In general, no assumptions should be made about how each language combines words and interprets information.
  • Documenting non-obvious features and non-standard configurations that need testing at runtime is a safe practice.
  • Regarding graphics, consider using generic icons and images that do not require localization. Translating text within bitmaps and icons can be time-consuming. If you use images with overlaid text, providing layered files, details of fonts used, and other specifications to your localization provider can reduce workload.
  • Consider implementing support for right-to-left (RTL) languages, such as Arabic or Hebrew, which have different text directionality. This may involve adjusting layouts and UI elements to ensure proper display and functionality for RTL languages.
  • Consider offering guidelines and resources for translators, such as style guides, glossaries, and context notes, to facilitate accurate and consistent translations. Our localization experts can assist in creating these materials to ensure smooth and efficient localization.
  • Regularly evaluate and optimize the localization workflow to identify areas for improvement and streamline processes. By continually refining the localization pipeline, developers can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain high-quality localized products over time.
  • With over 20 years of experience working for leading software and game developers, we are experts in localization services and look forward to assisting with all your translation-related needs!

How do localization updates work? Am I being charged again for work previously done?

Absolutely not. Once we've localized the initial version of your software, the update process is seamless and hassle-free.

Here's how it works:

  1. Self-Managed Updates:
    If you prefer to handle updates internally, you can simply send us the new or revised strings for translation. We'll serve as your dedicated translation team, delivering the requested strings in your preferred format and languages. Your pricing will be based solely on the number of new words to be translated.
  2. Full-Service Updates:
    If you'd rather delegate the update process to us, we've got you covered. Our team will manage everything from identifying differences in your NIBs, XIBs, STRINGS, XLIFFs, and more, to updating all your languages to match the latest source version. We'll leverage our professional AI-powered tools to automate the process, maximize efficiency, and minimize turnaround time. Just send us your new uncompiled English.lproj folder or source documents, and we'll swiftly provide you with fully localized and thoroughly tested localized files.

In both scenarios, you'll benefit from our tailored Translation Memories, curated specifically for your project. These Memories automatically leverage previously translated strings within your software, ensuring consistency and reducing costs over time.

Curious to learn more about our cutting-edge tools and streamlined processes? Drop us a line. Let's elevate your software's global reach together!

First and foremost, always remember that if your company offers valuable, exportable products available only in English, the expense of translating your product information is likely FAR less than the cost of not translating them or doing so inaccurately or belatedly. The non-English-speaking market is vast, and the likelihood of potential clients purchasing your products increases significantly when they are presented in their native language and properly localized.

Choosing the right partner is also crucial. If your vendor lacks specialization in products similar to yours or if your project isn't handled by genuine experts capable of efficiently managing it independently, you and your team may spend considerable time resolving issues and overseeing localization efforts. Moreover, translation errors may lead potential clients to perceive your product quality as inferior, prompting them to either flee immediately or expect lower prices.

Once the above is clear, consider a few additional tips to save money and time on your translations and localizations.


  • Word count is paramount in determining translation costs. Focus on translating content essential for maximizing sales; not all English content needs translation for all languages in your offering. Costs can be optimized with the right approach, and certain texts can even be replaced by images or videos, negating the need for translation.
  • Planning is key. Avoid tight schedules to secure better prices and higher quality. Importantly, an earlier product release means quicker profitability.
  • Maintain consistency by working with the same localization team over time. Involving different translators increases coordination, learning curves, and the likelihood of inconsistencies. Consistency reduces costs and errors.
  • Reduce intermediary expenses. Large translation companies often outsource to smaller entities and freelance translators, potentially resulting in inexperienced and poorly compensated translators.
  • Avoid unnecessary alterations to English files between updates, as minor changes can disrupt localization tools and increase costs significantly.
  • Minimize small tasks whenever possible. Translations under 200 words often incur minimum fees, making consolidation into larger jobs a cost-saving strategy.

Technical Considerations:

  • Ensure your UI design is flexible enough to accommodate translations significantly longer than the original English text. Translated strings can expand by 200% or more for short strings and 30-50% for longer sentences. Avoid concatenating items, as it complicates translation and slows the process.
  • Encourage translators to use the latest localization and automation tools to reduce redundant work and duplicated translations in future updates.
  • Utilize encoding systems like UTF-8 or UTF-16 that support multilingual characters and files.
  • Localizing complex images with multiple layers can be time-consuming and costly. If included, provide translators with source files to save time and money by allowing translation directly in existing text fields.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this page to assist other companies in saving money and time on their translation efforts, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your input is valuable to us. Thank you!

The following article describes the basic steps involved in a standard Mac localization project. It may seem complicated, but do not worry. We will take care of everything!

Process Overview

This quick overview assumes that the product has been properly internationalized during development according to Apple’s standards. For more information about the Xcode internationalization process in Mac OS X and iOS, please visit: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/Introduction/Introduction.html


1. Setup the localization environment (AppleGlot) — Review leveraged text

AppleGlot is Apple’s free tool to facilitate the localization process.

  • First, we populate AppleGlot with the entire application bundle, or just the en.lproj folder. Since the release of Snow Leopard, only uncompiled/editable versions of the application NIBS/XIBS should be used for this purpose. For the same reason that Interface Builder cannot open compiled NIBS, AppleGlot will not be able to extract text from a compiled app.
  • AppleGlot compares the previous version of the software with the new version and identifies all the changes.
  • It automatically leverages items that have stayed the same to the “new localized application” folder.
  • It systematically checks all items and makes sure that absolutely all strings (even the hidden ones) have been extracted for translation.
  • It extracts new text for translation and puts it in an XML (.WG — Work Glossary) file.
  • The previously translated text (.AD — Application Database) is reviewed by the linguistic team to see if any changes are necessary for the newer version (due to changes in context or other reasons).
  • At this point, the text has been separated from code and graphics.

2. Translate new/modified text (CAT tools)

The next step is translation. Various tools and approaches can be used in order to conform to/benefit from the following:

  • Consistent translations and terminology — Trados or other CAT solutions and editors (context must often be verified by running the software or later during the QA process).
  • Spell check tools.
  • Standard word processing tools.
  • Standard glossaries, such as Apple’s (or Microsoft’s).
  • Working with content only shields translators from complex files (and vice versa!).
  • Once translation is complete, AppleGlot reintegrates the text.

3. Review/Adjust the localized software’s GUI to:

  • Make sure that all language content has been translated.
  • Make sure that windows, dialogs, and other GUI elements appear correctly formatted. (Examples of errors: String is too long or inappropriate in context.)
  • Edit GUI’s nib files with Interface Builder.

4. Test the localized software — Fix problems found during testing

Once all nib files have been edited, runtime tests are performed to see how the GUI pieces are actually rendered:

  • All text has been translated (if English strings are displayed, for example, these may be coming from hard-coded text, or third-party components, or the operating system).
  • Special characters (accents, double-byte chars, and so on) display/print correctly.
  • Punctuation follows target language (not necessarily English) rules.
  • Localized text is wrapped, hyphenated, and sorted according to target language rules.
  • Dialog boxes, error messages, buttons, drop-downs, and fields display correctly without truncations and have been resized properly.
  • Menu items and dialog box titles have consistent translations.
  • Concatenated strings display correctly and read like a proper sentence (rather than a run-on or truncation or nonsense sentence).
  • Strings with variables display correctly in the localized application.
  • Shortcuts are consistent with target market operating system standards.
  • Translations make sense in context.
  • The tab order of the options in the localized dialog boxes matches their order in English.
  • Dialog boxes display correct regional settings (such as decimal separators, date and time formats, and so on).

This QA phase may take several passes: test/fix, test/fix.

The project is now complete and submitted to the end client for final build/approval.

Unlock Global Markets for Your App or Game: Translate Your Metadata Today!

Expanding your app's reach to a global audience has never been more crucial. With millions of potential users across the world, localizing your metadata in the App Store, Mac App Store, or Google Play is a strategic move that can skyrocket your app's visibility and sales.

Maximize Reach, Minimize Effort:

Imagine doubling, even tripling, your potential buyers with a simple yet powerful investment in professional translation services. By translating your app description and keywords into the top 5, 10, or 15 languages spoken worldwide, you open the floodgates to a vast pool of new users eagerly seeking apps in their native tongue.

Craft Your App's Global Identity:

A polished, localized app description not only attracts users but also fosters trust and credibility. Our team ensures that your message resonates effectively with diverse audiences, boosting engagement and conversions. From product descriptions to keywords and even screenshots, we tailor every element to captivate your global audience seamlessly.

Stay Ahead of the Curve:

In today's hyper-competitive app market, being a trailblazer can make all the difference. By localizing your app's metadata before your competitors catch on, you establish a strong foothold in burgeoning markets where localized content is king. Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your market share and stay ahead of the curve.

Languages That Drive Results:

Tap into the largest software markets worldwide with our comprehensive language support. From English and Japanese to German, French, Spanish, and beyond, we cover the languages that matter most to your app's success. Our tailored approach ensures maximum impact, whether you're targeting established markets or emerging tech hubs.

Seamless, Hassle-Free Localization:

Experience a smooth and reliable localization process from start to finish. Simply provide us with your English files, specify your target languages, and leave the rest to us. Our transparent pricing and quick turnaround times guarantee that your translations are ready in no time, empowering you to connect with your global audience effortlessly.

Unlock Your App's Global Potential Today:

Don't let language barriers limit your app's success. Contact us now to kickstart your app's global journey and witness the transformative power of effective localization. Reach, engage, and convert users worldwide with expertly translated metadata that speaks their language. Your global audience is waiting – seize the opportunity today!

Why pay for localization services if some distributors offer them for free?

  • Distributors may excel in sales, but they lack the expertise of dedicated localizers. Entrusting them with your localization can compromise quality, potentially tarnishing your brand and hindering global sales.
  • Their limited localization capacity might result in delays if they prioritize other tasks over yours.
  • Having your products professionally localized empowers you to negotiate favorable terms with distributors.
  • If end users encounter localization issues through distributors, you may remain unaware of the problem, risking customer satisfaction.
  • Legal complexities surrounding ownership rights of the localization work could arise.
  • Professional localizers leverage a variety of tools and technologies to automate processes, ensure quality assurance, and improve efficiency, resulting in more accurate and timely translations.


Got questions or need a quick estimate?
Reach out to us at info@localversion.com.
We're here to help and will respond within 4 working hours.

Welcome aboard with a special discount for new clients! Inquire now to unlock savings and discover our volume discounts for larger projects.

Are you a pro in technical translation, engineering, or localization? Join our collaborative team by reaching out at work@localversion.com.

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Avda. Meridiana 180
08026 Barcelona

(+34) 629 637 008
(+34) 644 316 827

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